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Ms. Anne Choi


Ms. Choi is my boss in my first job. She is the Partner and Department Head in the company. She demonstrated trust, responsibility, and character at work.


When I was working with Ms. Choi, she was fair and consistent with all colleagues.  The trust that she built in the company made me feel safe to express myself freely and felt much less stress even though the workload was demanding. I believe that helped with my productivity as well because I felt satisfied with my work.


Ms. Choi was always responsible that she kept her commitments. I felt gratified when she kept her commitments to offer me a promotion. I believe her commitment made me more efficient at work. She also demonstrated good work ethics and that influenced me to behave in the same manner. 


Ms. Yvonne Chua


Ms. Chua is another boss in my first job. She is the Partner in the company. She demonstrated wisdom, empathy, and communication at work.


Ms. Chua was a very smart leader. She was leading by example, and she always tempered her knowledge with good judgement at work. We could all learn something valuable from her coaching.


Moreover, Ms. Chua valued her colleagues as she showed her ability to understand others by seeing from their point of view and feelings. She had the charisma to motivate us at work, and the relationships she built with us were always positive and productive.


Ms. Chua clearly showed her belief that communication is the foundation of relationships. Whenever she had some suggestions, she welcomed our comments and provided constructive feedbacks. We were clear on her expectations, and she was able to understand our strengths and match our skills to the roles where we could make the most impact.


Mr. Davide de Rosa


Mr. De Rosa is my first Italian boss. He demonstrated vision, inspiration and compassion at work.


When I was working with Mr. De Rosa, he set out concrete steps to bring his vision to work, and he led the team in that direction. He always demonstrated his focus on the new projects and moving past the status quo.


Mr. De Rosa was able to inspire the colleagues with his charisma. He could identify our best qualities, bring them out and give us the opportunities to grow. He even helped develop a plan for improvement like encouraging us to join relevant courses and events. I believe that was very useful for my personal and career developments, and also the best interests for the company.


Another admirable quality that Mr. De Rosa had was his compassionate style. He always tried to understand others from different perspectives and act with empathy. He could easily recognize others’ struggles and extend compassion like offering help. He was always active in helping us to alleviate challenges. 
