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Applied Motivation


(A) This is about the cosmetics company where I am employed. The goal of the company is to create the future of beauty. The company’s objectives are to increase competitiveness, reduce costs and improve customer support. To increase competitiveness, the company invests on research and developments to produce new and better products. To reduce costs, the company put efforts on its social media presence. To improve customer support, the company provides web-based customer technical support and web-based order tracking.


(B) My role in the company is to assist the Public Relations manager to develop and implement brand management strategies to improve public perception. We need to establish consistent and positive brand image across marketing efforts by attending industry events, working with media, building and maintaining customer and client relations, and developing social media campaigns.  The marketing team is to examine markets and trends. We use this information to implement strategies to bring awareness to and promote the brand, look for new market opportunities, and increase sales.


(C) Below are the possible actions to increase motivation at my workplace:


1.     Maslow’s theory of hierarchical needs - Physiological

The company should fulfill the physiological needs of the staff by providing a fair and competitive salary offered to its staff. The fair salary should follow the position and responsibility of each staff. Those with higher positions and responsibilities get commensurate compensation accordingly. The company should keep track of the competitive salary with the external human resources agency to ensure the salary is not too low compared to other companies and should meet the market standard so to enable the staff to feel comfortable working at the company and reducing turnover. This can also help increase job satisfaction and give us motivation.


2.     Herzberg’s two-factor theory – Hygiene factor

It is important for staff to work in a stress- free environment. The company should have appropriate company policies and regulations to guide the staff, and which should not be too strict so to feel pressurized. It can also improve the work environment like ensuring physical and psychological well-being of staff by providing fitness membership of an external fitness center. Moreover, the company should encourage a work-life balance atmosphere so that the staff will not feel any pressure if leaving on time.


3.     Maslow’s theory of hierarchical needs – Socialization

The company should treasure a good relationship with the staff and help create opportunities and a sense of belonging for us. It can provide a positive work environment and support collaborative interpersonal relationships amongst staff like having a food party every Friday after work, celebrating employee birthdays, arranging lunches and team-building activities so to enhance the communications. It can help decrease any dissatisfaction and improve motivation amongst the staff.


4.     McClelland’s theory of needs

There should also be acknowledgment and recognition at the workplace. The company appreciate and praise the staff for their good work. It should observe hard work or good performance by the staff and appreciate us verbally and/or by email from time to time. Pointing out our good work can definitely increase our motivation at work.  


Moreover, the company and the supervisor should provide feedbacks to us regularly like at the times when doing the appraisal report, so to ensure that we are achieving the goals on the right track. This is also one of the motivational drivers. Asking for feedback is a good idea at work, since we will know what to improve. Such feedback is a very useful motivator to drive us to work harder. The company and the supervisor should provide feedback and constructive criticism delivered with compassion, consideration and useful advice that motivates us and helps us grow professionally.


5.     Expectancy theory – Instrumentality

The company can hold a special awards ceremony for exemplary staff. This will give motivation for us to maintain our performance as we believe that accomplish the assigned task with our hard work to meet certain performance expectations will allow us to receive a reward. By having such an award ceremony in place, the company will be able to motivate us to work harder, and we will be more eager to improve ourselves and striving hard to get the award.


6.     Herzberg’s two-factory theory – Motivating factor

The company should address factors like personal and professional growth of the staff. It should help the staff develop a clear career path. Having discussions with the company and the supervisor to understand what they expect, what they want to achieve and what they can offer to us in return will be able to provide a full picture of what we have to achieve and which direction we are heading to in our career path. By having a clear direction, we can set clear goals about what to achieve in the future, and ultimately have motivations in achieving the higher positions we desire and thus help with our personal and professional growth.


(D) Overall motivation plan


Everyone wants a happy life so establishing an office environment that is comfortable and stress-free is very important to motivate the staff and keep talents. Showing appreciation with compliments or any kinds of rewards to validate the good work are powerful tools in achieving the company’s objectives, but it will also have a great impact on motivating the staff to drive our best.  To motivate the staff, the reward should be realistic meeting the wants and needs of the staff. It is a great motivational driver whilst creating a healthy work culture and environment.  Moreover, helping the staff to set career goals and aiding us in the steps we need in our career path will motivate us to advance in our careers, achieving our own career goals as well as meeting the company’s goals. Last but not least, dedicating time and planning events for the staff will increase our satisfaction and motivation at work, boost morale, improve relationships with others, pave the way for better collaborations, and ultimately, all of these will not only be beneficial to any individuals but also the company. 
